Welcome to Heritage Farm!!
The Heritage Farm Property Owners Association (POA) welcomes you to our neighborhood. We take pride in maintaining a neighborhood that is friendly, inviting in appearance and safe for all homeowners.
We invite you to join us in our endeavor to strive to be the ideal place to live, raise our families and enjoy retirement.
We are a volunteer POA neighborhood of 422 homes. On our website, heritagefarmpoa.com, please fill out the “sign for email updates” using the icon. This helps the board members send out important information regarding the pool, the annual POA meeting, the annual neighborhood yard sale, etc. There is also a volunteer icon. We cannot keep our neighborhood fantastic without everyone’s help. There is a wide range of opportunities to help our community that require minimal time (less than an hour a month) or if you’d like to be involved in a bit of everything, we can keep you busy 😊.
Our POA Bill of Assurance, By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, Pool registration form, Pavilion rental information, Pool rules, a link to PayPal to pay your annual POA dues (Due June 1st yearly), Board Member information, POA violation reporting, etc. are also available on the website. Please check the bill of assurance before reporting a violation. We are unable to control non POA violation issues for example, barking dogs, loud music, speeding, etc.
Congratulations on your new home & if you need to contact us, our information is listed under the “About Us” icon, then board members on heritagefarmpoa.com. If you have questions, call or email any of the Board Members and if we can’t answer your questions, we will find someone that can.
We are excited to have you join our neighborhood!
Heritage Farm
“We Take Care of Each Other”
Mailing Address:
Heritage Farm POA
P. O. Box 143
Benton, AR 72018