We Need Your Help
Absolutely no one under the age of 15 may use the pool without a responsible adult. Everyone using the pool must use their own registered key fob to enter and exit the pool. Key fobs cannot be shared with others. You may bring up to 4 guests, but must pay $4 per person per day for those guests prior to entering the pool. Exact change is required or a check. Place your name, date, guests and payment in envelope located on the outside of the office door and insert into the mail slot when completed. You MUST accompany any guests while at the pool. You are also responsible for any guests you bring. Do not hold the gate for others to enter. The key fobs are recorded and must be used only for your family and the guests you are responsible for.
There is a “No Food” policy around the pool. You may eat in the eating area (Tables with Umbrellas and/or Pavilion). Food left on the ground gets wet and gross, it attracts bugs and rodents which end up in the pool. Please be respectful of others who use the pool and eat only in designated areas. Throw your trash away when done, large pizza boxes can go in the large trash bin in the pavilion.
Children who are not potty-trained MUST wear a swim diaper in the pool at all times, no exceptions. The department of health does random inspections and this violation alone can get us closed for the remainder of the summer.
If you or anyone in your party has vomiting and/or diarrhea please take them home immediately, do not allow them to continue swimming. If there has been an accident in or around the pool call the POA immediately. We will have to close the pool for a period of time and treat it with chemicals. This is another violation that can get us closed.
Please assist younger children in the bathroom, we have found stall doors locked and empty and potty on the floors as well as clogged and un-flushed toilets.
We do not have a janitor to clean up your messes so please be considerate of others and clean up your own mess and always make certain your area is picked up prior to leaving. We DO have cameras which will be reviewed frequently. If you are found violating pool rules your pool key will be deactivated. If you see someone violating the pool rules please call/email a board member or simply remind the person of the rules. We SHARE the pool and as such we are asking that every person who uses it does their part. Individual violations will be handled on an individual basis. Thank you for helping!
If you need a key fob or have a key fob that is lost, please contact Garry Elrod, POA Vice President: gelrod.ge@gmail.com 870-941-0185. Please realize POA board members are volunteers and not available all the time so please leave a message. If you are impatient, please consider volunteering your time to be part of the solution.